E-Business Suite

Oracle’s E-Business Suite (EBS) is a powerful enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that streamlines critical business processes. However, navigating the complexities of installation, integration, and ongoing support can be a challenge

Your Trusted Partner for Implementations

As your trusted partner for Oracle EBS, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to ensure a smooth and successful implementation, seamless integration with your existing systems, and ongoing support to maximize the value of your EBS investment.

Streamlined Installation and Configuration

Our team of EBS specialists possesses in-depth knowledge of the platform, allowing them to guide you through every stage of the installation process. This includes:

    • Environment Assessment: We'll analyse your existing infrastructure to ensure it meets the technical requirements for EBS.
    • Customisation and Configuration: We'll tailor EBS to your specific business needs, configuring modules and functionalities to optimise workflows.
    • Data Migration and Integration: We'll handle your existing data's secure and efficient migration into EBS, ensuring a seamless transition.

Expert Integration Services

EBS thrives when it connects seamlessly with your other business-critical applications. We offer expert integration services to bridge the gap between EBS and your existing systems, including:

    • CRM and Marketing Automation: Integrate EBS with your CRM or marketing automation platform to streamline customer relationship management and lead generation.
    • Accounting and Financial Systems: Establish a smooth flow of financial data between EBS and your accounting system, improving financial reporting and analysis.
    • Supply Chain Management: Connect EBS with your supply chain management system to optimise inventory control, purchasing, and logistics.

Unparalleled Ongoing Support

Even after a successful implementation, ongoing support is crucial to maintain optimal EBS performance. ONQU Support provides a range of services to keep your EBS environment running smoothly, including:

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to address any issues you encounter, minimising downtime and ensuring business continuity.

We’ll perform regular system checks and apply security patches to prevent problems before they arise.

We’ll monitor and optimise your EBS environment to ensure peak performance and user experience.

As new versions of EBS are released, we’ll guide you through the upgrade process to ensure you benefit from the latest features and functionalities.

The ONQU Advantage

By partnering with ONQU Support for your Oracle E-Business Suite needs, you gain a team of experienced professionals who understand the unique challenges of EBS implementations. Here’s what sets us apart:

    • Deep Expertise: Our team holds industry-recognised certifications and possesses extensive experience with EBS deployments.
    • Proven Methodology: We follow a proven methodology that ensures a smooth and efficient implementation process.
    • Client-Centric Approach: We prioritise understanding your specific needs and tailoring our services accordingly.
    • Ongoing Support: We offer comprehensive ongoing support to ensure you maximise the value of your EBS investment.
Ready to unlock the full potential of Oracle E-Business Suite?

Contact ONQU Support today and let us guide you through a successful implementation and ongoing support journey.

Get in touch

Please contatct ONQU Support for a free, no obligation assessment.